The connection between you and the world
Quantum entanglement occurs when subatomic particles undergo the same fate, such as being created at the same time. Entangled particles interact mysteriously so that actions performed on one affect the other. Einstein called this connection “Spooky action at a distance”.
Spooky action occurs among all entangled subatomic particles, including photons, or quanta of light. Experiments that use crystals to convert laser light into entangled photons show that they relate to each other as polar opposites when observed, even at a distance.
Subatomic particles do not just coexist as spontaneously occurring virtual particle pairs, but also consistently throughout the quantum world. Their interactions are harmonic and scalable, resulting in discernible patterns as life evolves and the universe unravels.
Superposition describes subatomic particles as existing in more than one possible state (orientation) at a time. Only when a subatomic particle is observed, does it, (and its entangled counterpart) revert to a single state. The fact that observation is necessary to isolate the state of subatomic particles has enormous ramifications on the way your senses observe reality.
Quantum sense is life’s way of observing quantum states and figuring out what to do about the observations. It is the source of perception and the key to mindfulness.